May 6-7, 2022

May Gray doesn't keep our aviators away!

Cal-Aero Flight Academy just keeps getting bigger and more fun. With several primary students, one commercial student and Bailey keeping up currency the 150 has been very busy! Jeff has been learning to do his commercial maneuvers, his lazy eights aren't very lazy. Jesse and Michael make up the primary students, and Bailey and Jeff take up all of our newcomers Daniel, Nico, and Isaiah. Friday evening was filled with Stearman flights, and champ work getting done well into the morning hours. Pizza was served and enjoyed by all. Trim cables, fabric patches and wing repairs are the projects of the week. Many of the helpers on Saturday helped us clean everything on all the planes, and get the wing repairs started. Bailey, Michael, Jesse, and Nico lead a fantastic effort on the floorboards. Tucker repaired wings with Jeff. Pat and Jesse went flying. Jeff changed Stearman spark plugs. Tiphani and gang worked on the maintenance items for the Twin Bonanza. Johnson's family and Oscar painted the seats for the champ and cleaned the interior.

Many thanks to everyone that supports our organization.


May 21st


April 30, 2022