Invasion Stripes and More Annuals

Last Saturday was the perfect sunny winter day to work on planes. Other people must have thought so, too, because we had a ton of people show up! So many new friends and so many old favorites, it was great to see everybody out having fun and learning.

We finished the Twin Bonanza’s annual, now it’s time for the Luscombe and the Cessna 150 to get inspected! We removed panels, lubricated pulleys and wheel bearings, did a compression test for the engines, and decided to give both planes a very thorough cleaning. We continued work on the L-5, painting the invasion stripes on the ailerons and reinstalling them. Jeff kept busy taking people flying in the Chipmunk and the Champ. We’ll continue the annual inspections this Saturday. Feel free to stop by anytime if you’re ever curious about what goes into the tests, or if you want to know what it’s like to fly in one of our planes. We’d love to see you!


Merry Christmas to All, and to All a Good Flight


Taste of Flight and 5K on the Runway